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Auto Service Center

Listed by Jim Swezey

This listing has been viewed 16437 times

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See attached PDF

Property Type: Automotive Service
Price Notes: Includes some equipment
Address: 3808 NE Michigan St
Area: Just east of Highway 75 and north of Tuxedo Blvd; next to Arby's
City: Bartlesville
State: OK
Zip: 74006
Year Built: 1985 and 2000
Size: 5,000 Sq. Ft. with office & 8 auto service bays
Building: Engineered steel frame; gable metal roof; concrete parking; fenced back area; eight lifts

Status: SOLD
  • Good visibility from Highway 75, (just 150' east)
  • OH doors, 2 – 12'x 12', 1- 10'x 12' & 5- 10' x 10'
  • 2- 12,000 lb lifts (1 drive up) & 6 – 9,000 lb lifts
  • Close to auto parts stores, used car lots & services
  • Low maintenance design on building and parking

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Agent Info

Listed by: Jim Swezey | Contact Agent
Phone: 918-336-2244 | | Info: Broker, Owner of Swezey Realty Services

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