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Distribution Center with Retail Location

Listed by Jim Swezey

This listing has been viewed 3118 times

Property Type: Commercial Property
Price Notes: Sale considered; includes fenced, paved yard
Address: 1720 W. Frank Phillips Blvd.
Area: One mile west of downtown on a major, four lane arterial road
City: Bartlesville
State: OK
Zip: 74003
Size: Lot: 125' x 250' = 31,250 Sq. Ft. (approximate) plus 125' x 200' behind
Building: Designed for single tenant use; 6,914 SF warehouse & 1,872 SF retail/office space = 8,786 Total Sq. Ft.
Next To: Retail, restaurants and service
Price: $3,000 / month
Status: SOLD
Square Feet: 8,786
Lot Size: 31,250 sq. ft.
  • Outside storage lot is paved and security fenced; approximately 20,600 SF
  • Additional grass storage lots (25,000 SF) across the back alley included
  • Warehouse has one OHD on the front; two on the west side (1 drive in, 1 dock)
  • 1,872 SF area for showroom, 3 offices, restrooms, storage
  • Located a few blocks from and between Hwy 60 and Hwy 123


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Agent Info

Listed by: Jim Swezey | Contact Agent
Phone: 918-336-2244 | | Info: Broker, Owner of Swezey Realty Services

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