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Former Taco Tico Bldg

Listed by Jim Swezey

This listing has been viewed 8311 times

Jim Swezey was Transaction Broker For: Seller
Property Type: Restaurant
Address: 3535 E. Frank Phillips Blvd.
Area: K-Mart and Taco Mayo
City: Bartlesville
State: OK
Zip: 74003
Building: Approx. 30’ x 60’ (1,800 sq. ft.)

Status: SOLD
Square Feet: 1,800
Lot Size: 135' x 135' (0.39 acre)
  • Nice location: At North entrance to K-mart; next to Taco Mayo; close to hospital and many restaurants; 300’ to 400’ West of Hwy 75
  • Traffic: Major route from East side residential to the downtown area and retail shopping
  • Improvements: Walk-in cooler; two rest rooms; small hood; concrete parking on 3 sides


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Agent Info

Listed by: Jim Swezey | Contact Agent
Phone: 918-336-2244 | | Info: Broker, Owner of Swezey Realty Services

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