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Office-Warehouse with room to grow

Listed by Jim Swezey

This listing has been viewed 4920 times

Property Type: Office Warehouse Space
Price Notes: One space for lease
Address: 120 N. DeBelle Ave.
Area: Two blocks west of US Hwy 75, just north of Tuxedo Blvd.
City: Bartlesville
State: OK
Zip: 74006
Size: Building is 6,300 Sq. Ft. (70' x 90'); land – 14,000 Sq. Ft.
Tenants: One tenant has two spaces leased (2,000 SF & 1,000 SF)

Status: SOLD
  • Vacant space is 3,300 sq. ft. on the north end
  • This space previously used for a church; wholesale sales
  • Engineered Steel Building, built in 2000; concrete parking
  • Includes three overhead doors in the back (2 in use now)
  • Electric and gas is separately metered for 3 lease spaces


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Agent Info

Listed by: Jim Swezey | Contact Agent
Phone: 918-336-2244 | | Info: Broker, Owner of Swezey Realty Services

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