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Retail Space by the Mall - 2334-D

Listed by Jim Swezey

This listing has been viewed 26265 times

Property Type: Retail Center
Price Notes: NNN is $5.00/sf/yr
Address: 2334-F S. Washington Blvd.
Area: Adjacent to Washington Park Mall
City: Bartlesville
State: OK
Zip: 74006
Building: McAlister's Deli
Next To: Washington Park Mall (Dunham's, Dillard's, Movies 8, Goody's)
Tenants: McAlister's, U.S. Cellular, Access Medical Center, Elite Nails
Price: $2,127 / month
Status: LEASED
Square Feet: 2,552
  • Adjacent to WPM (regional mall); Taco Bueno, Staples, Hibbett Sports
  • Modern storefront glass with ADA restrooms and nice improvements
  • Currently includes medical improvements (can go back to open retail space)
  • High traffic retail and restaurant area with three access points
  • Located on Washington Blvd (US highway 75), facing the mall (Dunham's Sports)


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Agent Info

Listed by: Jim Swezey | Contact Agent
Phone: 918-336-2244 | | Info: Broker, Owner of Swezey Realty Services

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